kenikmatan sayur-sayuran disiram bumbu kacang

Coba tebak, apa saja sayur-sayuran yang ada digambar berikut?

Gambar9 GGBH

Kalau sudah disiram bumbu kacang.. hasilnya begini nih..

Gambar6 gadogado

Gambar5 mix

Penasaran gak, sama Es sirup berwarna merah disamping gado-gado tadi? yak betul..!! namanya Es Kopyor..

Gambar3 es kopyor

Apa itu Es Kopyor?

inilah jenis minuman, perpaduan antara Es dengan Kopyor.. (yaiyalaaa).. nah Kopyor berasal dari kelapa yang tidak jadi, alias rusak, TETAPI bukan busuk lhoo.. tetap segar dan enak kok, apalagi dicampur dengan sirup merah ala @GadoGadoBuHadi 🙂





The Delight of Mixed Vegetables With Peanut Sauce

Guess what vegetables in this picture?

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When the peanut sauce poured over, they became like this.

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Gambar5 mix

Aren’t you guys curious what is that red colored ice near the gado-gado? Good guess! It’s Es

Gambar3 es kopyorKopyor. What is Es Kopyor? Es Kopyor is a drink mixed from ice and kopyor… (obviously).

And what is Kopyor? It is the name for deformed or defective coconut but it isn’t rotten. It still

Tastes good and refreshing. Mixed with Gado-gado Bu Hadi red syrup makes it more delicious. 🙂



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